Environmental Ethics MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions)

Get free access to Environmental Ethics MCQ. In this blog post, we have listed multiple-choice questions on Environmental Ethics and Environment Conservation with answers. These MCQs are very important for exams like UPSC, SSC, and other exams.

Environmental Ethics MCQ with answers

1. When did the ecofeminist movement emerge? 





2. Who sees nature as God Shiva’s feminine principle? 

Vandana Shiva 

Karen J. Warren 

Val Plumwood 

Ariel Salleh 

3. Who investigated the historical lineage of the women-nature linkage? 

Carolyn Merchant 

Carol J. Adams 

Maria Mies 

Val Plumwood 

4. Cultural ecofeminists encourage an association between women and the ___________ 





5. Which study explores the dialogic character of the relationality of gender, society, and environment? 




Gender and environment 

6. Who authored the book The Ecological Rift? 

Alfred Russel Wallace and Charles Darwin 

Brett Clark, Richard York, and John Bellamy Foster 

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 

Karl Mannheim and David Kettler 

7. Which movement could be construed as the foundation of feminist political ecology in India? 

Swadeshi movement 

Satyagrah movement 

Chipko movement 

Independence movement 

8. What does Eco-Marxism refers to? 

Ecological research with feminist perspective 

Ecological research with Marxist thought and action 

Ecological research with antifeminist perspective 

Ecological perspective with gender development 

9. According to Marx, capitalist production disturbs the metabolic interaction between 

Man and woman 

Women and the earth 

Man and the earth 

Man, and environment 

10. According to Eco-Marxism, the on-going environmental degradation are the result of? 

Climate change 

A destructive economic and political system 

Air pollution 

Soil erosion 

11. Actor-based model of human ecology denotes 

Adaptation occurs at the level of cultures rather than of individual or populations 

Adaptation occurs at the level of populations rather than of cultures or individuals 

Adaptation occurs at the level of individuals, cultures or populations 

Adaptation occurs at the level of individuals rather than of cultures or populations 

12. _____________ defined science in terms of its ability to generate valid predictions from hypotheses. 


Symbolic interactionism 



13. Who among the following authored the book Pigs for the Ancestors (1968)? 

Andrew Vayda 

Roy A. Rappaport 

Julian Steward 

Emilio F. Moran 

14. The ecosystem-based model of human ecology focused upon 

How cultures are adapted to the environment 

That culture constitutes the fundamental unit of analysis 

The relationship of specific human populations to specific ecosystems 

That cultural traits contribute to the population’s survival 

That cultural traits contribute to the population’s survival 

15. What do you mean by ‘horizontal cultural transmission’? 

Transmission of culture from one generation to next generation 

Transmission of culture among individuals within the different generation or among individuals belonging to different populations 

Transmission of culture among individuals within the same generation or among individuals belonging to different populations 

Transmission of culture among individuals within the same generation or among individuals belonging to same populations 

16. Which of the following is true about cultural environment? 

It is the study of relationship between culture and environment 

It attempts to study interaction between man and environment 

It is a set of beliefs, practices, customs and behaviours that are found to be common to everyone that is living within a certain population 

It attempts to study beliefs, practices, customs and behaviours of human being towards its environment that are found to be common in every society 

17. Culture is part and parcel of the _________________ within which humans live. 

Ecological niche 

Social niche 

Technological niche 

Political niche 

19. Which of the following is not a part of Raymond Williams’s conceptualization of nature? 

Intrinsic nature 

Standardised nature 

External nature 

Universal nature 

20. Which of the following is not correct about symbol in culture? 

Human cultures use symbols to express specific ideologies and social structures and to represent aspects of their specific culture 

Symbols carry meanings that depend upon one’s cultural background 

The meaning of a symbol is not inherent in the symbol itself but is culturally learned 

The meaning of a symbol is inherent in the symbol itself and is not culturally learned 

21. What was the fear of bringing religion into the domain of environmentalism? 

It will threaten subjectivity, scientific investigation, professionalism, or democratic values 

It will threaten objectivity, scientific investigation, professionalism, or democratic values 

It will threaten subjectivity, empirical investigation, professionalism, or family values 

It will threaten objectivity, empirical investigation, professionalism, or family values 

22. Who wrote the essay ‘The Historical Roots of our Ecological Crisis’? 

Lynn White 

Rachel Carson 

Christophe Munier 

None of these 

23. Which of the following is considered as an essential source for the havoc wreaked by Western societies upon the earth? 

Biblical writings about “man’s right to master the women” 

Biblical writings about “man’s right to master the cosmos” 

Biblical writings about “man’s right to master the earth” 

None of these 

24. Our ecologic crisis is the product of an emerging, entirely novel, ________________. 

Aristocratic culture 

Democratic culture 

Bureaucracy culture 

Plutocracy culture 

25. Which of the following victory is considered as the greatest psychic revolution in the history of our culture? 

The victory of Islam over Confucianism 

The victory of Islam over Paganism 

The victory of Christianity over Paganism 

The victory of Christianity over Confucianism 

26. Our science and technology have grown out of ______________ toward man’s relation to nature. 

Islamic attitude 

Buddhist attitude 

Jewish attitude 

Christian attitude 

27. What does the Buddhist tradition directs us? 

To treasure and conserve nature, of which animals are an active part 

To treasure and conserve nature, of which animals are a dormant part 

To treasure and conserve nature, of which human beings are an active part 

To treasure and conserve nature, of which human beings are a dormant part 

28. According to the________________, the Earth is not for human beings alone, but for other creatures as well. 





29. What does the doctrine of ahimsa entails? 

Non-violence against animals 

Non-violence against human beings 

Both ‘non-violence against animals’ and ‘non-violence against human beings’ 

None of these 

30. Lynn White provided an unmistakable link between the rise of science through ____________ traditions in the middle ages 




None of these 

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