Fundamentals of management MCQs: In this blog post, we have written Multiple choice questions on Fundamentals of management in Business Studies.
These Fundamentals of management MCQs in Business studies are helpful for classes 10th, 11th, and other competitive exams.
Fundamentals of management MCQs
1. She/He keeps machines, materials, tools, etc ready for operations concerned workers’. Whose work is described by this sentence under functional foremanship?
Instruction card clerk
Repair boss
Gang boss
None of the above
2. Henry Fayol was a:
Social Scientist
Mining Engineer
Production Engineer
3. How are principles of management formed?
In a laboratory
By experiences of managers
By experiences of customers
By propagation of social scientists
4. Management should find ‘One best way to perform a task. Which scientific management is defined in this sentence?
Time study
Motion study
Fatigue study
Method study
5. Principles of management are not:
6. The principles of management are significant because of:
Increase in efficiency
Optimum utilization of resources
Adaptation to changing technology
7. Which of the following is not a Principle of management given by Taylor?
Science, not the rule of the thumb
Functional foremanship
Maximum, not restricted output
Harmony not discords
8. Which of the following statements best describes ‘Mental Revolution?
It implies a change of attitude
The management and workers should not play the game of one gunmanship
Both management and workers require each other
Workers should be paid more wages
9. Which of the following statements best describes ‘Mental Revolution?
It implies a change of attitude
The management and workers should not play the game of one gunmanship
Both management and workers require each other
Workers should be paid more wages
10. Which of the following statements best describes the principle of Work?
Work should be divided into small tasks
Labor should be divided
Resources should be divided among jobs
It leads to specialization
11. Grapevine is:
Formal Communication
Barrier to Communication
Lateral Communication
Informal Communication
12. Status comes under the following type of barriers:
Semantic Barrier
Organizational Barrier
Non-Semantic Barrier
Psychological Barrier
13. The Software company promoted by Narayan Murthy is :
14. The communication network in which all subordinates under a supervisor communicate through supervisor only is :
Single Chain
Free flow
15. The highest level need Hierarchy of Abraham Maslow:
Safety Need
Self-Actualization Need
Prestige Need
16. The motivation theory which classifies needs in hierarchical order is developed by :
Fred Luthans
Abraham Maslow
Peter F. Drucker
17. The process of converting the message into communication symbols is known as:
18. Which of the following is a financial incentive?
Stock Incentive
Job Security
Employee Participation
19. Which of the following is not an element of the communication process?