Introduction to Law MCQs with answers

Law MCQs with answers: Get free access to an online quiz on the law.

In this blog post, we have provided Law MCQs with answers. These Law MCQs are useful for various competitive exams.

30 Law MCQs with answers

1. ………. is a branch of law that consists of rules which regulate relations between States or Nations?

 Public Law

 Municipal Law

International Law

 Constitutional Law

2. …………. are the officers of the court.



Both of them

 None of them

3. A judgement may contain observation not precisely relevant to the issue before the court is known as ……………….

 Ratio decidendi

 Stare decisis

Obitor dicta

 Judicial Precedent

4. Indian Penal Code, 1860 contains ………… Sections on various offences and corresponding punishments for those offences.





5. Municipal Law is also known as ………..

 Private International Law

 Public International Law

 Customary Law

 National Law

6. Which of the laws deals with offenses and punishment?

Criminal Law

 Constitutional Law

 Civil Law

 Administrative Law

7. Which of the following are the sources of Law?


 Judicial Precedent


All of the above

8. Which of the following is not an essential of a custom?





9. Which of the following law is also known as Fundamental law of the land?

 Constitutional Law

 Criminal Law

 Civil Law

 Consumer law

10 Who defines “Law is the reflection of public opinion”?


 A.V Dicey



11. “Nanavati Commission” was established to inquire about ……………

 Sikh Riots 1984

 Godhra Riots 2002

 Bhagalpur Violence 1987

 None of the above

12. United Nations was established in the year ……………….





13. Afghanistan become a member of the SAARC Organization in the year ……….





14. European Union was established on the basis of which Treaty ……………

 Maastricht Treaty 1993

 Lisbon Treaty 2009

 Both of above

 None of the above

15. The judgment delivered by higher courts is binding on lower courts. Technically it’s known as …………




 Judicial Precedent

16. “Continental Legal System” was originated in ………….





17. Which of the following is the most powerful organ of the United Nation?

 Security Council

 General Assembly

 International Court of Justice

 Trusteeship Council

18. Which of the following legal system is practiced in India?

 Continental legal system

 Socialist legal system

Common-Law system

 All of the above

19. Law of contract is ………….

 Public Law

 Private Law

 Both of the above

 None of the above

20. Agreement between the countries which are regulated by international Law is technically termed as ……………….



 Memorandum of Understanding

 None of the above

21. Child marriage is a form of marriage where bride and bridegroom have not attained the age of ?

 16 years and 18 years

 17 years and 20 years

 18 years and 21 years

19 years and 21 years

22. In Muslim law marriage is ……………


Civil Contract

 Legal Compulsion

 None of the above

23. Doctrine of representation is recognized in ………………

 Muslim Law

Hindu Law

 Both of the above

 None of the above

24. Personal Law is the law by which an individual is governed in respect of various matters such as.

 Marriage and Divorce

 Maintenance, Adoption, and Inheritance

 Guardianship and Succession

 All of the above

25. Spes Successions (mere chance of succession) is well recognized in the following:

 Muslim Law

 Hindu Law

 Parsi Law

 Christian Law

26. The age of puberty in Muslim law is?





27. The most Fundamental and Sacrosanct source of Muslim law?

 Sunna or Hadis




28. When a person dies without making a will is known as?

 Intestate Succession

 Testamentary Succession

 Both of the above

 None of the above

29. Which of the following are the modern sources of Hindu law?

 Equity, Justice, and Good Conscience

 Commentaries and Digest



30. Which of the following is not a specific ground for divorce under the Hindu Marriage Act,1955?





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