MCQ on Indian constitution with answers pdf

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Top MCQ on Indian constitution with answers

1. National Green Tribunal is the appropriate forum for dealing with all cases relating to the environment, including cruelty to animals



2. The Right to Environment is a Fundamental Right enumerated under the Constitution of India



3. The Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 was enacted post:

 Taj Trapezium case

 Bhopal Gas leak case

 Oleum Gas leak case

 Bombay Docks explosion

4. The United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), 1972 was subsequent to Stockholm Declaration



 Partially true

 Partially false

5. Noise Pollution is regulated under the Noise Pollution Regulations, 1990



6. Chairman and Members of the State Pollution Control Board are nominated by:

 Central Pollution Control Board

 State Government

 Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

7. The legality of concept of an ex post facto or a retrospective environmental clearance was upheld by Supreme Court in which Judgment?

 Electrotherm Ltd. v. Patel, (2016) 9 SCC 300

 Lafarge Umiam Mining Pvt. Ltd. v. Union of India, (2011) 7 SCC 338

 Goa Foundation v. Union of India, (2005) 11 SCC 559

 Common Cause v. Union of India, (2017) 9 SCC 499

8. Which case brought about establishing a ‘Green Bench’ in its Respective State High Court for the first time?

 Vellore Citizens Welfare Forum V. Union of India

 Sachidananda Pandey V. State of West Bengal

 AP Pollution Control Board V. Nayudu

 Delhi Stone Crushing Case

9. As per EIA notification, 2006 EIA cycle comprises of various stages for the prior environmental clearance process. These stages in sequential           order are : Screening, Scoping, Public hearing, Appraisal, Risk Assessment



10. All projects or activities included as Category ‘A’ in the EIA notification 2006 shall require prior environmental clearance from the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF) on the recommendations of an Expert Appraisal Committee (EAC)



11. The key elements of the principle of precaution includes __________.

 to anticipate environmental impacts

 to avoid environmental impacts

 to reduce the adverse environmental impacts

 All of the above

12. Laws made by the Centre pertaining to natural resources, environment and pollution-related subjects are enforced at the state level by state administrative machinery as a general rule.



13. While the states and Centre may legislate on the subjects under the concurrent list (animal welfare, forest and wildlife, etc.), the laws of the Centre should be aligned with the laws of the State.



14. It is important to bring environment under fundamental rights due to various reasons, one of which is that fundamental rights are exercisable even against the _______.



 Public at large

 All of the above

15. The 42nd Amendment Act is of significance for environmental protection laws due to the following reasons:

 Made government a public trustee of the environment

 Incorporated Art. 51A(g) which puts citizens under the fundamental duty to protect and improve the environment and to have compassion for living creatures.

 Redrew the status, role, responsibilities and functions of the state and the people, in relation to resources

 All of the above

16. Although the Centre and states enjoy separate legislative jurisdictions, the Centre can formulate laws on subjects under State List under the following circumstances:

 The matter is of national importance (Art. 249) or during proclamation of an emergency (Art. 250)

 An international agreement requires the Centre to legislate on matters pertaining to State List (Art. 253)

 Both a and b

 The Centre cannot formulate laws only for a few states even if they give their consent or request the Parliament to do so, as majority of states should agree with the adoption of law by the Centre

17. With the enactment of specific legislations on pollution control, the pollution control boards have power for general administration under the common law.



18. The concept of _________ is a right of the government to take private property for public use by virtue of the superior dominion of the sovereign power over all lands within its jurisdiction.

 Eminent domain

 Communitarian Management

 Decentralised Governance

 None of the above

19. Which of the following cases establishes the current status of the relation of general administration and the PCBs:

 Nagarjuna Paper Mills Ltd. vs V. SDM & DO, Sangareddy, 1987

 Tata Tea Ltd. vs State of Kerala, 1984

 Krishna Panicker vs Appukuttan Nair, 1993

 Gopala vs Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, 2000

20. The Centre has the power to legislate on a subject matter under the State List.



21. The constitutional scheme of resource and environmental management presents a model which makes government the _______.

 Public Trustee

 Owner of all Natural Resources

 None of the above

 Both a and b

22. Resource governance at the grassroot level requires:

 The idea of environmental stewardship within communities and individuals through statues

 Local government receiving 3rd tier governance status to ensure decentralization

 Governmental control over resources that were inherently managed by local communities by way of customary laws

 Only a and b

23. Why is there a necessity to make environment a fundamental right?

 Can be exercised even against the state

 Will provide for a more effective and large-scaled solution

 Remedies under existing environmental legislation are inadequate

 Mere injunctive relief at primary judiciary level is insufficient

 All of the above

24. The judiciary justifies formulating laws by contending that it is not merely a court of law and has the power to pass any decree or issue or order “for doing __________” under Art. 142.

 Incessant justice

 Complete justice

 Needful justice

 Public Justice

25. ________, by way of statutory judicial interpretations, expanded the scope of principles of law of torts by providing for remedy in the form injunctions and compensation.

 Principles of Interpretation

 Common law Principles

 Civil Law Principles

 None of the above

26. Which of the following is not an example of criminal law provisions regarding environment:

 Public Health and Safety

 Spread of Infection, food and drug adulteration

 Negligent conduct as to explosive substances

 None of the above

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