Computer Graphics MCQ with answers pdf download

Computer graphics MCQ with answers: Computer graphics deals with generating images with the aid of computers.

In this blog post, we have published Multiple Choice Questions on Computer Graphics with answers. Four options are given with one answer. The answer is bold.

Computer Graphics MCQ with answers

1. William Fetter of Boeing coined the term “Computer Graphics” in the year _______. 

a. 1961 

b. 1962 

c. 1969 

d. 1960 

2. Doubly linked list is required for 

a. accessing the list in the reverse direction. 

b. accessing the list to both the forward and reverse directions. 

c. making the list circular 

d. none of the above 

3. Match the following:-  
I. BFS  A. Stack  
II. Random access  B. Queue  
III. FIFO  C. Array  
IV. LIFO  D. Tree 

a. I-D, II-B, III-A, IV-C 

b. I-D, II-C, III-B, IV-A 

c. I-A, II-C, III-B, IV-D 

d. I-C, II-D, III-A, IV-B 

4. In the case of postfix notation, operators are written after their operands. 

a. True 

b. False 

5. System models are abstract descriptions of systems whose requirements are being analyzed 

a. True 

b. False 

6. UML is based on 

a. notation 

b. transitions 

c. states 

d. keywords 

7. Which system model is being depicted by the ATM operations shown below? 

a. Structural model 

b. Context model 

c. Behavioral model 

d. Interaction model 

8. Sylvan Chasen (Lockheed, 1981) proposed _________ phases of “Computer Graphics” evolution. 

a. 5 

b. 3 

c. 4 

d. 6 

9. Image generation task performed by ___________. 

a. display controller 

b. video controller 

c. video memory controller 

d. image controller  

10. The process of hidden surface removal also known as the _________. 

a. invisible surface detection 

b. visible surface detection 

c. active surface detection 

d. inactive surface detection  

11. Raster graphics refers to images represented in terms of continuous geometric primitives such as lines and curves. 

a. True 

b. False 

12. Computer graphics is the process of _______ static images or animation (sequence of images) on computer screens in an efficient way. 

a. rendering 

b. removing 

c. clearing 

13. The CAD system DAC-1(by IBM) falls under _________ phase of computer graphics. 

a. gestational 

b. childhood 

c. adulthood  

14. The computer graphics field entered into the adulthood period in ___________. 

a. 1971 

b. 1981 

c. 1984 

d. 1993 

15. GPU stands for ___________. 

a. Graphics Production Unit 

b. Graphics Processing Unit 

c. Graphics Pipeline Unit 

16. In ______________ stage3D scene is mapped to 2D scene. 

a. object representation 

b. scan Conversion 

c. viewing transformation 

17. Space-partitioning methods include techniques such as constructive solid geometry. 

a. True 

b. False 

18. Quadric surfaces refer to those objects, which (or the surface of which) are described with degree 3 equations (i.e., cubic equations). 

a. True 

b. False 

19. The idea of fitting a set of control points with several polynomials to generate curve is called _________. 

a. Spline 

b. Point 

c. Boundary 

20. De Casteljau algorithm used to generate ________.  

a. Bezier line 

b. Bezier curves 

c. Bezier surface 

d. Bezier control point 

21. Techniques that represent an object by representing the individual object surfaces are ____________. 

a. Point sample representation 

b. Boundary representation 

c. Sweep representation  

22. Two sweep representation techniques used in computer graphics are Sweep surface and __________. 

a. Sweep points 

b. Sweep volume 

c. Surface of revolution 

d. Surface of evolution 

23. Mesh representation is one of the subcategories of _________. 

a. Point sample representation 

b. Boundary representation 

c. Sweep representation 

24. Sphere is an example of quadratic surface. 

a. True 

b. False 

25. __________ support local controllability. 

a. Natural cubic splines 

b. Hermite Cubic Splines 

26. The two types of continuing conditions are, (choose the correct options) 

a. Parametric continuity and geometric continuity 

b. Parametric continuity and trigonometric continuity 

c. Trigonometric continuity and geometric continuity 

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