Artificial Intelligence MCQ questions and answers

Get top and the most important solved Artificial Intelligence MCQ questions and answers. Four Options are given for each MCQ. The answer is bold. These Multiple Choice Questions on Artificial Intelligence are important for various exams like UGC NET Computer Science, College level, and University level exams.

Solved Artificial intelligence MCQ questions and answers

1. A card is selected from a deck. Find the probability that it is a 3 or a heart. 

A. 17/52  

B. 4/13 

C. 11/26 

D. 13/52 

2. Three dice are rolled. Find the probability of getting three 6s. 

A. 1/6  

B. 1/216 

C. 1/18 

D. 5/36 

3. Let A and B be events with P(A) = 3/8 ; P(B) = 1/2 ; and P(A and B) = 1/4  . Find P(A or B). 

A. 5/8 

B. 3/8  

C. 1/2  

D. 3/4  

4. Let A be a 5 × 5 matrix with real entries and x0.The vectors x, Ax, A2x, A3x, A4x, A5x are 

A. linearly independent  

B. linearly dependent  

C. linearly independent if and only if A is symmetric. 

D. linear dependence/independence cannot be determined from given data 

5. Amrita buys 5 tickets in a raffle where 95 tickets are sold altogether.  Find the probability of her winning both FIRST and SECOND prizes. 

A. 2/5 

B. 20/9025 

C. 2/893 

D. 5/95 

6. Aristotle was one of the firsts to attempt to codify “thinking”. His _________ provided patterns of argument structure that always gave correct conclusions, given correct premises. 

A. deductions 

B. formalism 

C. syllogisms 

D. axioms 

7. Turing test or Imitation Game, was put forth as a simple test that could be used to _______ 

A. prove machines could think. 

B. break the enigma code. 

C. show human are intelligent. 

D. show machines can compute. 

8. Overall computational cost of a AI Production System is in two major categories: Rule Application Cost and Control Strategy Cost. For an Uninformed Control System, we have the following: 

A. Low Rule Application Cost and High Control Strategy Cost 

B. Low Rule Application Cost and Low Control Strategy Cost 

C. High Rule Application Cost and Low Control Strategy Cost 

D. High Rule Application Cost and High Control Strategy Cost 

9. There are two distinct specialized production systems; Order in which a set of applicable rules are applied to a database is unimportant for a ________ production system. 

A. decomposable  

B. commutative 

C. specialized 


10. The AO* algorithm can best be seen as the following TWO major operations: 

A.Step I: Top-down: graph-growing; Step II: Bottom-up: cost-revising, SOLVE-labelling. 

B. Step I: Bottom-up: graph-growing; Step II: Top-down: cost-revising, SOLVE-labelling. 

C. Step I: Top-down: graph-growing, SOLVE-labelling; Step II: Bottom-up: cost-revising. 

D. Step I: Bottom-up: graph-growing, SOLVE-labelling; Step II: Top-down: cost-revising. 

11. Domain knowledge is used to make preferential choice between the child nodes in ________ 

A. Depth First Search 

B. Breadth First Search 

C. Heuristic Search 

D. Depth Limited Search 

12. The ___________is a way of combining the advantages of both depth-first and breadth-first search into a single method. 

A. Iterative Deepening Depth First Search 

B. Bidirectional Search 

C. Best First Search. 

D. Depth Limited Search 

13. For bidirectional search is a graph search algorithm that runs two simultaneous searches. Which of the following statements is false for bidirectional search? 

A. Requires the ability to generate predecessor states. 

B. Bidirectional search always optimal. 

C. Stop when the frontiers intersect. 

D. Works well only when there are unique start and goal states. 

14. Domain knowledge is used to make preferential choice between the child nodes in_________  

A. Depth First Search 

B. Breadth First Search 

C. Heuristic Search  

D. Depth Limited Search 

15. In heuristic search, the heuristic function, h(n), of a node n estimates the__________ 

A. Cost to a goal from the current node n 

B. Cost from the start to the current node n 

C. Overall cost of the path through the node n 

D. All of the above 

16. The principal gain, often spectacular, of using a heuristic function is the________ 

A. Use of domain knowledge 

B. Estimate of a path to the goal 

C. Reduction of the search space 

D. Rank the child nodes  

More advanced Artificial Intelligence MCQs

17. There is a special class of heuristics called admissible heuristics, which possess some desirable properties.  Which of the following statements are true for an admissible heuristic? 
I. They are optimistic heuristics because they can only underestimate the cost 
II. Never returns a value greater than the actual path cost to the nearest goal for any node 

A. Neither I nor II 

B. Both I and II 

C. I only 

D. II only 

18. A* generates an optimal solution under which of the following conditions? 
Condition 1:  If h(n) is an admissible heuristic and the search space is a tree 
Condition 2:  If h(n) is a consistent heuristic and the search space is a graph 

A. A* never generate an optimal solution 

B. Condition 1 only 

C. Both Condition 1 and Condition 2 

D. Condition 2 only 

19. Identify the properties of the Hill-climbing algorithm 

A. Terminates when a peak is reached 

B. Does not look ahead of the immediate neighbors of the current state 

C. Chooses randomly among the set of best successors 

D. Does backtrack 

20. Combine hill-climbing with a random walk in some way to get both efficiency and completeness. Simulated annealing is one such algorithm. Which of the following statements are true for simulated annealing? 

A. It determines (through a probability function) the amplitude of the steps, long at the beginning, and then shorter and shorter 

B. It is a stochastic hill-climbing algorithm 

C. The very structure of the algorithm decreases the execution time 

D. The random steps possibly allow to avoid small “hills” 

21. A solution to a CSP is a complete assignment that satisfies all the constraints. Which of the two are true for a solution to a CSP? 
I. An assignment that does not violate any constraints is called consistent or legal 
II. A complete assignment is one in which every variable is mentioned 

A. Neither I nor II 

B. Both I and II 

C. I only 

D. II only 

22. Arc Consistency is a method of constraint propagation. The following is incorrect for arc consistency 

A. Forward checking is substantially stronger than arc consistency 

B. Detects failure early! 

C. Arc consistency must be applied repeatedly until no more inconsistencies remain 

D. Provides a fast method of constraint propagation 

23. Conflict-Directed Backjumping is better than Simple Backjumping because: 
I. When a partial solution cannot be extended, the algorithm backtracks to the latest choice point 
II. When a contradiction occurs, remember the minimum set of variables from the conflict set that was responsible for the problem 

A. Neither I nor II 

B. Both I and II 

C. I only 

D. II only 

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