Operating System MCQ with answers pdf

Operating System MCQ: Get the top and the most important Operating System MCQ with answers. Four options are given for every MCQ. The answer is bold.

An operating system (OS) is system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs. In this blog post, we have listed Multiple Choice Questions on Operating system (OS) with answers.

Operating System MCQ Questions with answers

1. State True or False. 
Resource abstraction and hardware management are important uses of an Operating System. 


2. Access control and biometric are used to increase the security of an operating system. 



3. fopen() system call switches from _____________ space to _____________ space. 

kernel, user 

user, kernel 
4. Context switching is required for a system with an OS supporting multi-tasking. 


5. ASLR randomizes the position of all variables in the stack thereby making it difficult to perform buffer overflows. 



6. For an 32-bit address bus which of the following hexadecimal numbers is not a valid address.





7. A backward compatible Operating System requires all applications to be redesigned. State if this is True or False.



8. TRAP always jumps to a fixed address



9. When two applications want to access the same resource it leads to a ___________.

 Race Condition


 Mutual Exclusion

 None of the above

10. Microkernel is likely to have more vulnerabilities than Monolithic Kernel.



11. The two main functions of a basic OS are

a. Hardware Abstraction and

b. Resource Management.



12. BIOS is a part of extended memory that is loaded every time the system boots up.



13. Global and Static data is always maintained in the text section of the memory



14. malloc(sizeof(int)) returns

 A void pointer pointing to a memory of a size of 1 unit of integer type allocated in stack.

 An integer pointer pointing to a memory of a size of 1 unit of integer type.

 An integer pointer pointing to a memory of a size of 1 unit of integer type.

 A void pointer pointing to a memory of a size of 1 unit of integer type allocated in heap.

15. Any procedural call will always use a TRAP instruction to carry out the execution in kernel space.



16. Monolithic Kernels Linux, xv6 are great because they are easy to maintain, have large sizes, and fewer bugs.



17. IPC is a primary feature of micro Kernels



18. Hyperthreading is used to parallelize the work by the OS among the different CPU cores



19. I. OS encourages Race Condition to occur during execution of processes as it ensures efficient utilization of resources

II. OS avoids synchronization as it slows down the performance and causes deadlock

 I – True II – True

 I- False II – False

 I- True II- False

 I- False II – True

20. State True or False.

The code from MBR is copied to RAM at location 0x7cc0 by BIOS



21. ____________ performs the Power On Self Test.




22. The space in hard disk used to store inactive pages of a process is called ________.

 /tmp folder

 User’s home directory

 Swap space

 None of the above

23. The bootloader in an x86 system switches the OS to _____________ from _____________.

 Protected mode, Real mode

 User mode, kernel mode

 User mode, protected mode

 Real mode, Protected mode

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