Research Methodology MCQ with answers

Top Research Methodology MCQ with answers: Research Methodology involves studying the methods used in your field and the theories or principles behind them, in order to develop an approach that matches your objectives.

In this blog post, we have layout Multiple choice questions on Research Methodology. Answers to these MCQs are given.

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Research Methodology MCQ

1. The sources of acquiring knowledge include: 



Scientific method 

All of the above 

2. Inductive reasoning involves: 

Making a generalized statement and supporting it with examples 

Moving from a generalized statement to a valid conclusion 

Making a generalization from specific facts, and observations. 

Deducing a valid conclusion 

3. Scientific method involves: 

Formulation of hypothesis 

Testing of hypothesis 

Acceptance or rejection of hypothesis 

All of the above 

4. If you are interested in determining the quality of power points used by teachers in technical institutions, you would prefer: 

Survey research 

Case study research 

Correlation research 

Content analysis research 

5. If you want to study the decision making mechanism of  Board of Governors of an autonomous institution, you will prefer 

sample survey study 

Case study  

Population survey study 

Correlation research 

6. If you are interested in studying the reactions of teachers and students towards New Education Policy, you will undertake: 

Correlation study 

Content Analysis Study 

Survey research 

Ex-post facto research 

7. Having decided on the research problem, the first step in review of literature will be to: 

Locate secondary sources of information 

Compile a list of key words 

Obtain preliminary sources of information 

Locate primary sources of information 

8. Which of the following is an example of primary source of information for 

review of related literature? 


An edited book 


University handbook 

9. The correct sequence of steps for undertaking review of related literature is to: 

analyzing, organizing & reporting the results; identify the key words; identifying sources of information; abstracting the information  

identifying sources of information; identify the key words:  abstracting the information; analyzing, organizing & reporting the results 

identify the key words; identifying sources of information; abstracting the information; analyzing, organizing & reporting the results 

abstracting the information; identify the keywords, identifying sources of information; analyzing, organizing & reporting the results 

10. Which of the following questions can be answered through research? 

Does the culture permits to provide sex education to students? 

Should the students be asked whether they would opt for sex education? 

Is it as per law to provide sex education? 

Does sex education increases gender sensitization?  

11. Hypothesis is a/an: 

Objective of the study 

Purpose of your study 

Probable solution to the problem 

Question you would like to find an answer to 

12. Which of the following is an example of discrete variable? 





13. Which of the following research questions can be answered through Case Study method? 

What is the attitude of students of Diploma level institutions in HP towards internships? 

What is the relationship between the marks in class XII, Entrance examination and final year achievement scores of students of Automobile Engineering in the State of Gujrat? 

What is the effect of reinforced concrete structure on its stress-strain ? 

How IIT, Bombay is able to have international collaboration for research & development? 

14. Tracer studies involve: 

Following the graduates from the institute for say ten years. 

Studying the perceptions of graduates regarding teaching effectiveness. 

Following students of first year till final year of their study 

Following selected students over a period of four years of study 

15. In case, you are interested in determining the quality of Project Reports submitted by the final year students of your institution, you will prefer to undertake: 

Survey research 

Content analysis research 

Follow-up study 

Case study research 

16. The steps in conducting content analysis research include: 

State the purpose of the study; write research questions; develop classification system; Sample the content; ensure high degree of reliability; analyze the data and interpret the findings 

State the purpose of the study; write research questions; sample the content; develop classification system;  ensure high degree of reliability; analyze the data and interpret the findings 

 State the purpose of the study; write research questions; develop classification system; analyze the data and interpret the findings;Sample the content; ensure high degree of reliability 

State the purpose of the study; write research questions; develop classification system; analyze the data and interpret the findings; Ensure high degree of reliability; Sample the content 

17. If you are interested in understanding the behavioural changes that occur in your students during the period of four years  of study, you should prefer: 

Survey study 

Case study 

Content analysis research 

Longitudinal study 

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